Completed my CPL flying stage!

10:07:00 pm Malaysian Cockpit 4 Comments

Alhamdulillah today marks my last solo flight for single engine Piper 28, I am so thankful to my family for the endless support especially my one and only mother.

 I'm really grateful to have them by my side and also thanks to all of my friends that thought me during this stage and my instructors Capt Aiman Ariff, Capt Fuad, and Capt Aiman Mokhy! One step closer, hope all is well.



Franco Wong said...

Being a pilot is my dream when I was small till now. I think it looks cool. Nice information you got here, all the best to you.

din said...

Assalamualaikum tuan. Saya nk tanya,tuan ambik pilot license sekarang ni dari mana dana yg tuan dpt? I mean kalau ada pinjaman ke, kalau dapat biasiswa ke,boleh tuan kongsi dgn kami? Terima kasih

Abbas said...

Assalammualaikum bro, boleh teach me how to create a blogger. Please, thanks. Kedengaran macam lain tapi tolonglaaa.bye. congrats for your Commercial Pilot License.

Awan Esa said...

You are truly an inspiration...doakan saya berjaya utk dpt atleast PPL (maybe first o.k.u in malaysia to fly an airplane). Congrats btw !