Sedikit sebanyak Interview Degree Aeronautics UTHM
Salam sejahtera semua, aku nak cerita sikit pasal interview kos Degree Aeronautics ni. Interview dia yang aku lalui dulu tak sama macam interview doktor dekat USM dulu, interview doktor usm tu senang je, apa yang dia tanya cuma benda basic. Tapi kalau UTHM ni lagi senang kot, takde susah mana pun, lagi mudah dari Interview doktor USM.![]() |
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Waktu aku masa tu lah kan, dia tanya:-
1. Tell me about yourself?
2. Why you want to be a pilot?
3. How planes work?
3. Situation: When you flying an aircraft, you are in emergency landing procedure, there's only 2 options, open sea or treetop jungle, which one do you choose, and why?
4. You know regarding the fees for this course is around RM225k, so how about it?
5. Any questions?
Itu je pun, takda susah mana, mungkin sebab aku minat kot haha, tapi bukannya interview nak cari kerja, kalau cari kerja lain cerita plak, ada strength and weaknesses, general knowledge and so on. Tapi ini yang aku lalui la, taktau pulak kalau dia tambah or ubah situasi tu, pandai-pandai lah korang prepare, janji kalau ada duit nak bayar lesen pilot tu, cakap je saya dah ade duit tu. Harap-harap yang sedang menunggu keputusan UPU dan juga akan dapat tawaran ni, boleh la prepare sedikit sebanyak.
Pakai lah kemas-kemas sikit masa interview tu, jangan selekeh sangat pakai croc
Hi, kalau di uthm tak pass medical examination class1 but pass medical examination class2 dapat ke training di apft.
Kalau masuk uthm, dlm proffesional piloting kena ambil ppl,cpl with ir and frozen atpl ke ? Atau kena ambil 1 license je.
Di malaysia kalau nak buat type rating kat mana ye ? Harap2 balas he tq. Because i want apply UPU.
ada biasiswa tak yg ditawarkan utk pengajian ni? and pointer matriks brapa?
korang lupakan jer lah nak jadik pilot nih...unless korang banyak duit...tue terpulang...da byk pelajar uthm dlm kos aeronautik nih terkandas separuh jalan...nie berdasarkan cerita benar...tapi kalau taknak dengar...aku tak leh nak kata apa...adios
got the interview for uthm piloting course next week, on 4th june. But I think I'm just gonna let it slip. The expense is 255k! Not tht I'm not passionate enough, it just that I'm not coming from a rich family. Why would I burden them? boleh beli rumah sebijik kud. Money seems to be everything nowadays. Passion only not enough. Very well then.
Take care bro! When there's a will there's a way..depends on you actually, if you want money, dont be a pilot.
Not tht he wanted money, I think, he meant-even becoming one needs money. Well, of course, person who came from a well family wouldn't understand.
"Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves. " i know its hard, but you cant blame your parents, because your parents didnt work hard enough? Stop that mentality, go hard or go home.
whoa. I never said that. Why would I blame my parents for that?? Some people are just lucky and some are not. But I believe every cloud has its silver lining. People like us hv to go through a lot of obstacles than you do. My parents really worked hard. Eventhough we couldn't hv more, we are always grateful for everything we hv. Why would you think tht way anyway? yr mentality even worst.
You think i came from a rich family? You are wrong bro, you dont even know me. I worked hard for me self, ahh im not gonna argue with you. One thing is bro, life is not about how lucky you are, no pain no gain. You know what, my mentality just like you at first, blaming here and there, but i changed, i believe that everything is possible. You just have to look up in the sky, and keep walking. Btw, dont be 'anonymous', speak up for yourself. And I came here to help, not to condemn anyone.
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