APFT - Ground School #1

9:54:00 pm Malaysian Cockpit 1 Comments


Dah lama aku tinggal blog ni, cuma ada masa reply comment je and finding the funds to pursue my career. Alhamdulillah setakat aku dapat juga masuk APFT. Sebab takde flying school lagi yang aku boleh dapat semurah APFT. Tapi tak murah la jugak. More than 200k jugak kena bayar. Hoping for the best!

Sekarang aku dalam Batch 71. Half of the batch dari UTHM. takdelah awkward sangat. So from what i see most of the cadets here are from rich people, people that can afford to pay the fees on their own. Every single lecture the instructor teach us, we will appreciate every each and one of the knowledge given. Because we are the unfortunate ones but God gives us a chance to see whether we're qualify or not to become a pilot.

PPL is easy they said, yeah because the test were given by the APFT instructors. Tapi kalau tak study apa guna betoi dak? Tak kira dekat mana pun, kalau study untuk lepas exam memang akan lupa lepas tu. Nak gambar? takde ah weh sebab botak sekarang. haha

Life here is great, the food is awesome, the accommodation is well maintained and the list goes on. Tapi ape yang aku tak sabar, nak fly je. tu je matlamat aku sebab i will never gonna stop until i touch the sky.  So kalau yang tak mampu nak bayar sampai habis, just get the PPL, dalam 30k je and just only 45 hours! Goodluck!


Unknown said...

dapat loan dari mana? nak tahu gak