A Trip to Asia Pacific Flight Training ( APFT )

10:13:00 pm Malaysian Cockpit 4 Comments

Ok heres another entry about Asia Pacific Flight Training or well known as APFT. APFT is located at Kota Bharu, Kelantan , Malaysia. Trip ni merupakan julung-julung kalinya aku dan rakan2 aku pergi ke sekolah. Lama kot tak pergi sekolah,  flying school !  Bak kata pepatah makcik tua , Opportunity may knock only once ! 

Ape aku buat dekat APFT.

1. Naik Trainer Diamond-40 , DA-40
2. Kawal rudder.
3. Comolot ngan Captain Ramesh !
4. View dari Control Tower.
5. Enjin Piper Seminole.
6. Female students pilot sini lawa.
7. Smoking Room Captain

Macam mana rasa flying ? ROLLA COSTA !

Aku yang tangkap ni



nohfee said...

cool bro! kecek klate mu nih. ahahaha.

hahaah :p besa la. dh boleh smua..

Anonymous said...

Salam alaik. are those whom study at apft are below 18 y/o ? And may i know how to apply to further my study there in aviation?

Wslm, not all are below 18, some are 17.