How to get 300k MYR in just 2 years to support your PILOT LICENSE! - PART1

ByMalaysian Cockpit

How to get 300k MYR in just 2 years to support your PILOT LICENSE! - PART1

Hello everyone today I'm gonna share you how to get 300k Ringgit Malaysia to get your pilot licenses. I've heard a lot, seriously a lot of the guys and girls asking me how to get that freakin amount of money to support their pilot...Read More

Completed my CPL flying stage!

ByMalaysian Cockpit

Completed my CPL flying stage!

Alhamdulillah today marks my last solo flight for single engine Piper 28, I am so thankful to my family for the endless support especially my one and only mother.  I'm really grateful to have them by my side and also thanks to all of...Read More

AirAsia - Cadet Pilot Intake 2016

ByMalaysian Cockpit

AirAsia - Cadet Pilot Intake 2016

The minimum AirAsia Cadet Pilot selections requirements for the selection of a Cadet Pilot are as follows: - Malaysian citizenship or permanent residency age over 17 years; - Aged over 17 years at the time of application with the maximum age of 28;...Read More

Pemilihan Flying School - Tips Mudah Menjadi Pilot Airlines!

ByMalaysian Cockpit

Pemilihan Flying School - Tips Mudah Menjadi Pilot Airlines!

Pemikiran kau dah kena matang, kau dah kena fikir mana satu lebih menguntungkan, dan mana satu tidak. Jadi pemilihan flying school ni amat penting sebelum kau nak jadi pilot airlines. Tak susah tapi tak semudah yang kau fikir susah. Kat sini aku nak...Read More